Glenn Weikert

Healing Rape Through Performance Art

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Glenn shares the creation of ‘Jessica’s Story’ a performance about a dancer who was raped and the healing that she experienced through writing the script and taking the leading role in performing her own story. Glenn explains how ‘Jessica’s Story’ toured detention and education centres across the USA and the cathartic healing that ensued.

Bear Dogz aka David Roy Green of WHEN interviews multimedia artist, director & producer Glenn Weikert in Santa Monica, California.

Glenn co-founded Archedream for Humankind to heal trauma through dance and performance.

Read more about Glenn Weikert

More from Glenn Weikert

Healing through performance art…

In 2000, Glenn co-founded ArcheDream for Humankind, an international blacklight mask and dance theatre company that communicates universal ideas and emotions to promote understanding and compassion. Merging ancient ritual and magical storytelling with modern technology, ArcheDream for Humnakind’s vision is to heal trauma by uniting, uplifting and enchanting audiences through riveting performances and workshops.

ArcheDream for Humankind website


DOP – The Zone UK
Editor – Stefanie Watkins